Everything You Never Wanted To Know About The LSBH Crew Pryce Some would call him a genius, others would call him a menace to public safety...Pryce just calls himself Uber, unless hes been drinking one of his concoctions again in which case he may call himself Sir Ducksalot III. A scientist from before the time he could complete coherent sentences, and still a scientist now that he can do so more than half of the time, Pryce has excelled at science, if accidently, his whole life. From his idea for a nuclear powered polar bear, to the time he accidently created a universe in his fathers left shoe, he has left a trail of destruction and mentally unstable science teachers in his wake. He is, it seems, a magnet (or what Pryce might call a 'di-polar attraction device') for trouble and the wierd and wonderful, so its lucky he always has his best and most level headed friend Claudia looking out for him...Even if after some of his experiments she wishes it was through the scope of a sniper rifle. Claudia An aspiring lawyer, but currently stuck in the tedium of study, Claudia was drawn to the law proffession by the simple fact that it is one of the only jobs in which the ability to cause people to, spontaneously and without reason, break down into tears can be called a boon. Top of her class, due not to her studious abilities, more so because of the fact that she so often has to clean up after Pryce, she has become a shrewd negotiator and picked up enough experience with the law to fill one of Pryce's genetically modified icecream cones.
Keith *Paradox would like to apologise for the missing content, he will personally flog the typing monkeys until it is produced*
Eliza *Paradox would like to apologise for the missing content, he will personally flog the typing monkeys until it is produced*
'Plant' *Paradox would like to apologise for the missing content, he will personally flog the typing monkeys until it is produced* |