By Paradox
- Updating Mondays and Thursdays

Monday, September 17, 2007


So as of this going online I'm not actually around to do it, I am on a University camp...a camp of DOOM! So here is hoping that the Autokeen system actually does what its supposed to and when I return from said DOOM! there is a new comic present in the old comic's place.

This week we meet a new character who I mainly use to help me explain some of the random fact that I learn while in the course of my education. It really is amazing how many times I crack up in the middle of a lecture because of a particular choice of words or fact that the lecture throws out and my mind takes onto a tangent of its own. For some reason I don't know...hes could be because Germans have more fun? Think about it.

Feel free to email me or whatever.


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