By Paradox
- Updating Mondays and Thursdays

Monday, December 10, 2007


Lil bit late I know, but hey, I've been busy being lazy ok? Cut a guy some slack :P. We now return to your regularly schedualed story-arc. Anyway, this is probably the closest thing to espionage you'll get in this comic, some chick sneaking into a tent...A-grade thriller stuff that.

Just for anyone who isn't an Aussie (As the rest of the world tends not to use our slang much), or for any Aussie who is a lil bit out of the loop, here is the urban-dictionary defintion of an 'Eccie'. Now it might make a lil bit more sense to those of you who were sitting there scratching your collective craniums going "Huh?...WTF is an Eccie?". My conscience sated with the belief that I have indeed educated the world in some small way, I will retire to my bed of sleepy-time.

P.S. As you may have noticed, the 'Links' page is up and running as promised. Enjoy.

Feel free to email me or whatever.


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