By Paradox
- Updating Mondays and Thursdays

Friday, February 8, 2008


Yeah its a bit late, but I did let you know it would be late...eventually...and I did promise to explain didn't I.

Ok, the reason the comic is late is that I've gone back to Uni. Now I know that some of you out there who know the Australian University time schedual are thinking "What?! Hes on crack!"...and maybe I am, but it doesn't mean I'm not correct. I'm doing an intensive summer course which goes for two weeks, 9am - 5pm every working day, on top of me working 6pm - 12am most nights, I'm running low on time as you might imagine.

Hence the lateness of the comic, I have in fact been working on it in little pockets since Sunday night, but where as I would normally have been able to have it done in time by pulling an all nighter, I obviously can't do that at the moment.

Now, yes this will affect next weeks comic. I'm putting this one up today, but I don't want to miss another week next week, so instead what I'll do is try and do a few sketches next week and upload those. They'll be un-coloured and just pencil sketches most likely, but its better than nothing no? Don't even know what they will be of, so if theres something you'd like to see me try my hand at drawing, drop me an email and suggest it!

Feel free to email me or whatever.


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