By Paradox
- Updating Mondays and Thursdays

Monday, March 10, 2008


First of all I would like to thank the good people at for the definition of Cognition. Originally I was going to use a definition from my Psychology lecture notes...unfortunately I seem to have 'misplaced' them...Oops. Secondly I would like to thank Google (Images) for being my bitch.

Ok, just incase there is anyone out there reading this comic who is NOT familiar with the bloke in the fourth frame, or are having trouble seeing him due to the prominent infant, it is indeed the ex-Prime Minister of Australia, John Howard. He has large eyebrows. That is all.

Any of you 'lucky' enough to have explored the site in the time since the last update may have already stumbled upon this, but the 'Cast' page is now up in all of its half finished glory! I will slowly add to it as I explore some of the other characters a little more, for now it is just Pryce and Claudia on parade.

One last thing to let you all know. During the week, as well as the 'Cast' page, I set up the LSBH MySpace page. So all of your MySpacer's out there, get in there and add me!...or not.

Feel free to email me or whatever.


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