By Paradox
- Updating Mondays and Thursdays

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Has anyone else ever seen this MONSTROSITY?! If you're guna have a bloody mohawk, have a bloody mohawk. Not this stupid thing. I wrote this ages and ages ago, last year some time when I first saw this 'hair cut'. Gods its stupid.

I mentioned a mate of mine from IRC last update (Which incidentally if you haven't seen is HERE) and having finally gotten a hold of his URL and his permission, I will now link to him.Quarter Four has brilliant art that I am quite envious of and I suggest you take at least a quick look at it. Or the Hobo will get you...

Also, I have as recently as Tuesday night become addicted to StumblUpon, I suggest anyone Who hasn't already downloads the tool bar and gets Stumbling...and if you felt like Stumbling the comic I wouldn't say no ;). So far Stumbling has born fruit such as this and this. Fun for all ages.

See you all Monday!

Feel free to email me or whatever.


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