By Paradox
- Updating Mondays and Thursdays

Monday, July 14, 2008


Yes I know, this isn't a real update. This is due to the fact that, as I mentioned LAST update it was my birthday this weekend. So I will use my "Get Out Of Update Free" card and therefore, since I haven't had time to make up a proper update this week, here, upon pain of death, is...stuff.

From the artist:

So here it is.. The Spoon Of Castration!!! DUN DUN DUN!!!!!! As Random Dude was randomly strolling down the street he spotted SOC!! SOC glared evilly at RD poised ready to jump......... To be continued. So here is the next installment of Jynx's comic sabotage... Enjoy my drawings done by mouse with paint 'till I can use Paradox's shiny and do better drawings. Jynx (Hence forth known as The Awesome Half...*sigh*) xo

P.S - As some of you may have noticed, up next to the RSS feed icon, there is a shiny NEW icon. This is a link to a spiffy webcomics collective that I was 'invited'(See: Forcefully Coersed) to join. Said collective is run by a mate of mine Okky and I would suggest checking it out if you're ever looking for a new comic or two to read, as there is a lot of good but not well known comics listed there upon. Now I go and play one of my FOUR new Xbox games...YAY!

Feel free to email me or whatever.


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Use without permission will result in the mutilation of your spleen with a rusty spork.

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