By Paradox
- Updating Mondays and Thursdays

Monday, July 21, 2008


This update might show up a little early. This is because I would have been at work at 5am this morning, and so in no fit state to produce a comic after the shift. Hence it was uploaded early.

Few things to mention this update. One is that if you wish to see either of the pictures on the newspaper in this update upclose check here and here.

During my Stumblings this week I have found the most wonderful stress reliever EVER! BUBBLE WRAP MADNESS!!. I was also introduced to a MAD freeware online game known as Pandemic II. So for any of you who are interested in trying to destroy the world as we know it using biological warfare...CLICK THE LINK!

One last thing to link to this update. I realise your clicking finger is probably hanging by a thread at this point, but I've saved the best til last (Yes...this is even better than the 'infective' video game previously). After following a link on the [i]nsignificant comics forum, I found myself in the wonderful land of brightly coloured mushrooms known as Kinokofry. Not only is this a beautifully colourful and fun comic, it is drawn by a fellow Aussie! So check it out if you have a few spare minutes, and I promise* you you will enjoy it

*May or may not include an actual promise*

Feel free to email me or whatever.


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Use without permission will result in the mutilation of your spleen with a rusty spork.

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