By Paradox
- Updating Mondays and Thursdays

Thursday, July 31, 2008


And I finally get the update up. This would have been up earlier this afternoon, but unfortunately when I was about 10 minutes away from finishing, my copy of PS CS2 decided it obviously didn't like what I was doing and crashed. Thus I lost a good part of the work I had done...I was less than impressed. But technically I'm not late, and better later in the day than not at all...Especially with what today is!

Today of course, if you were as anal about keeping records of specific things as I am you would know, is the 50th 'canon' update of Last Stop Before Hell. Technically I have somewhere in the mid 60's worth of updates, but a bunch of that is guest strips/sketches/filler etc. Today marks the 50th 'real' LSBH strip...It's not a major milestone, but it is one I am damn proud of. It is also not long before LSBH's first birthday, which I am also pretty stoked about! So if you have cake in your house, EAT SOME NOW! in celebration...Eeeeat it!!! Also, if you feel you should get something for said birthday, a few votes/Stumbles wouldn't go astray ;) Just in case you felt like it or something :P.

One last thing before I wander off into the wild blue yonder. This is something I was linked in IRC this week, it's friggin awesome...Not only because the drummer is BITCHIN' but because the band he is covering is MADE OF UBER!

P.S - One last thing. I want to send a birthday shout out to my mate Okky. Happy 24th mate!

Feel free to email me or whatever.


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