By Paradox
- Updating Mondays and Thursdays

Monday, September 15, 2008


First of all I would like to apologise to any loyal readers I may happen to have out there on the internetz, even though I'm sure I don't have that many :P, for the lack of update last Thursday. As anyone who knows me in RL knows, I've been going through some stressful times in my life, and dealing with a lot of different things, and I just simply ran out of time to get an update done last week. However I assure you that that will not become a common occurance!

Ok, now that the snivelling and grovelling is out of the way, I will answer your burning question...Yes...That IS Rubix Cube that Pryce is holding. Why is he holding it? Will it turn up in future episodes? Why can't I draw a proper Rubix Cube? These questions will NOT be answered at this exact instead here is a picture of Pissed Off Yoda. Yeah that's right. He'll cut ya.

I would also like to take this opportunity to plug a mate of mines comic. Jesse Justice is a very talented comic artist, and apparently a wrestling nut. Now I don't understand a lot of the terminology he uses, and wrestling isn't really my thing, but his art is friggin awesome! So if you're even partially into wrestling check out Diablito Del Ring.

Feel free to email me or whatever.


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