By Paradox
- Updating Mondays and Thursdays

Monday, September 29, 2008


New update with new art! See, told you I'd make it up to you for the last one ;).

Ok couple of things to go through this update. First of all, you may have noticed the little drop down menu below the voting buttons. This is there due to an invitation I recieved over the weekend to join the Off The Wall Comics Collective. The premise of which is that all of the comics, or at least their creators, are slightly nuts, so if you're a fan of my sense of humour, I suggest checking out some of the comics in the dropdown when you have time.

Secondly, I would like to welcome anyone who has wandered across from The Mighty Tubularman. The piece of guest art I did for Boomer can be seen HERE.

On that note folks, have a good rest of your week and I'll see you Thursday!

Feel free to email me or whatever.


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All images and content are the (pseudo)-intellectual property of Paradox unless otherwise stated.

Use without permission will result in the mutilation of your spleen with a rusty spork.

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