By Paradox
- Updating Mondays and Thursdays

Thursday, November 13, 2008


And we're back! Oh how I missed you all!...*cough*...Ok, now that the warm, heartfelt reintroduction is over we can get down to business.

As was prophesised in the prophecies told by Frank, I was without 'Net for a few days, which to tell you the truth was utter HELL!...And therefore was unable to do the whole comic thing. Now that my net is back I'm going to get back into it, and today's update is me warming up my comiking muscles.

Hence this simple joke, that I happened to think of while eating, you guessed it, SOUP! (No really, I was eating garlic bread...duh) is what you get this update. Hope it whets your appetite for Monday's update which I hope will be a continuation of the previous storyline if I can get off my arse and draw the damn thing. If you can't remember what was going on before my extended hiatus, go back and read it silly!

And with that, as I berate my small readership, I'm going to bed. See you all on Monday!

Feel free to email me or whatever.


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