By Paradox
- Updating Mondays and Thursdays

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Here is Thursday's update on time I hope as long as the auto update system has seen fit to its bloomin' job it should be up. If not I apologise in advance, though seeing as this News Post won't have gone up, you won't find out I'm sorry until later...I think.

Anywho, any of you who are somewhat knowledgeable about webcomics may be able to guess where I got the inspiration for the Hobo Leap of Escape. If not, I'll let you in on the in-joke. An old comic known as Boot Error had a similar running joke involving a goat. It doesn't update anymore, but its archives are bloody hilarious so give them a look if you have a few spare minutes...though it will take longer once you're hooked ;).

Feel free to email me or whatever.


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