By Paradox
- Updating Mondays and Thursdays

Monday, May 19, 2008


I'm quite proud and happy I'm keeping up with this update schedule. To be honest with you I never thought I'd make it more than one week doing two updates, but there you go. I will admit that this strip isn't my best but meh. It isn't from lack of trying, I needed one more strip to tie in between the last few and the next 3 or 4, and it was difficult to come up with an idea. This was the best. Sad isn't it.

Now for non-sciency/biological peoples out there, here is the definition of a Rhizome. You know, just incase you gave a rat's.

I have to say that the weather down this way has been awesome of late. Being that we live in the dryest country in the world, and the time between rain events seems to be as...Well...As long as a wet week (pardon the pun)...Its great that we've had a bunch of rain. Still not enough but hey...It's a start.

P.S - THIS IS TOTALLY THE BEST SONG EVER! Shout out to Krid for putting me onto it!

P.P.S - Remember to come back Thursday for another update...I will get around to adding it at the top of the page...eventually.

Feel free to email me or whatever.


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