By Paradox
- Updating Mondays and Thursdays

Thursday, June 19, 2008


As promised, now that my net is up and running, no missed update!! Yay for me!

Scarily enough, this is actually a slightly embelished version of a real conversation that a work colleague of mine had with a customer. The question in the third panel? He actually asked her that. Now she is my age, but actually LOOKS younger than she is...So I find it hard to believe there could be a reason for this guy thinking she was AT LEAST in her 30's, except maybe that he had forgotten his eye medication that day. 'Stab self in the eye with sharpened toothbrush 5 times daily, or until you realise you are a cretin'.

In my run abouts of 'teh intertubes' I have been introduced to a beautifully drawn fantasy comic just finding its feet. There are only about 8 updates thus far, so get in on the ground floor if you have even a passing interest in fantasy and check out Marsona's Story.

Feel free to email me or whatever.


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