By Paradox
- Updating Mondays and Thursdays

Monday, June 23, 2008


I would pay an assortment of my own organs to see this fight! For the slightly less Geek inclined viewers, the small insane one with a luncheon item in his head is GIR from Invader Zim and the large being fueled by pure awesome on the right is Optimus Prime from Transformers. If you know nothing of either of these shows, then I suggest you endeavour to find out about them...Or the leprechauns will steal your shoes.

I think that this is my best comic to date, art wise at least, and I'm quite proud of it :). I'm hoping to continue to work on my art skills and maybe one day I'll actually be happy with what comes out of the end of my pencil...Not that pencil, you sick, twisted people...geez.

For anyone that is interested, the original concept sketches for this comic will be able to be viewed over at my DeviantArt. If you have a DevArt account of your own, feel free to friend me. At different times I will add pieces of art work not available on the site to the DevArt account, mostly because they aren't pieces that I would use as an update, and hence as of yet I have nowhere else to put them. I also use this account to host pieces of my writing that I feel like showing to the world, so don't be too worried by the possible abundance of shiny words, just look at the pretty pictures.

P.S. - My friend Krid turned me onto this...It's pretty much ensured that my updates will ALWAYS be finished the night before they're due...

Feel free to email me or whatever.


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Use without permission will result in the mutilation of your spleen with a rusty spork.

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