By Paradox
- Updating Mondays and Thursdays

Monday, September 1, 2008


Here is today's comic. Up on time. YAY! I didn't have to be up at 4am today, so I was able to have it ready and waiting for upload well before time.

This is an idea I had a while back. Just a random thought one day when I realised that 'Smexy' and Mexico kind of shared a few letters...I like playing word games :P...Shut up.

Couple of links this update. First of all is a new Blog site that has only been up for about two days. This is run by my good mate Oppy, an awesome bloke from Holland with an AWESOME taste in music! You can find it HERE. I thoroughly encourage you to check it out now and in the future as, while they are only random sketches that he throws out, he has quite an artistic flair and a nice cartoony style that really speaks to me...Mostly it says mean things, but it might be nice to you ;).

Second link for this update is an awesome little comic that I was introduced to on my perusal of the webcomic forum that I am a part of. Hatpire is a happy go lucky little vampire with a SWEET hat. It gets its humour across without the use of any words at all, which is a pretty awesome achievement I think...especially seeing as any and all humour of my comic generally derives from 'witty' dialogue. So check it out if you have a few spare minutes!

Feel free to email me or whatever.


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Use without permission will result in the mutilation of your spleen with a rusty spork.

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