By Paradox
- Updating Mondays and Thursdays

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Ok, I was going to try and avoid doing another work based strip for a lil while as it feels a bit like a cop out, however I was 'inspired' (see pissed off) to read something about this in the newspaper today. Now, I have absolutely nothing against people who want to eat fast food, I eat my fair share. And I have nothing against larger people, even those that are obese if that is their choice. However it is exactly that in most cases, THEIR CHOICE. You can't blame fast food places for 'making you fat' if you KNOW there is grease and fat in the food, and yet you continue to eat it.

Don't get my wrong. I KNOW that the food is bad for you, and that is why I steer clear of a lot of the worst of it, but this is exactly the point. If I have the will power to work with this stuff all day long, and NOT eat it, why don't other people have the will power to not DRIVE TO OUR STORE AND BUY IT?! Surely, if they didn't want to eat it, somewhere along the route they would think "maybe I should go somewhere else to eat...This isn't healthy"...You'd think so anyway.

And yet the cases of people blaming fast food places for making them fat, some even steeping so low as to sue the companies, seems to be on the increase. This is what is wrong with society at large these days, that noone is prepared to take responsibility for their own lives. It's too easy just to blame someone else than think "Hey...maybe *I* could change this...". I've been overweight in my lifetime, short as it has been thus far, but to change that I DID SOMETHING ABOUT IT, and to people working to do the same I give big props...but to those that blame everyone but themselves and take no responsibility for their own lives...well...really, I have nothing but pity.

*Cough*...Um...Thus endeth the rant :P. Sorry, I tend to get riled up when I see things like this. Hope everyone is having a good week, and I'll be back Monday with a new update!

Feel free to email me or whatever.


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